인스타그램 페이스북 카카오 유튜브

2020 Changwon


Artists & Artworks

Lighthouse (Collaboration – Sang-Hoon OH & Yuta SUGIHARA)

SIZE480 x 300 x 400 cm

MATERIALAluminum panels

Sang Hoon OH&Yuta SUGIHARA
Korea, 1977~ Japan, 1986~
Lighthouse (Collaboration – Sang-Hoon OH & Yuta SUGIHARA)

Just like a sculpture came out to the park, which is an artificially constructed nature, to mingle with landscape, it reaches out to the park to mingle with architecture. Here, you are in front of a non-sculpture called, “architectural sculpture.” Being a collaborative effort of two artists, the Korean artist took charge of the “structural architecture sculpture,” while the Japanese artist created the “non-structural lighting.” It is quite interesting to see that this architecture resembles some kind of animal or a lighthouse, and the lights are fully integrated into the architecture - not separate. The light that floods out of the column in the center of the architecture is itself a “light sculpture.” You are invited to experience how the Nature, Architecture, Lighting, and Sculpture merge into something unique.

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