인스타그램 페이스북 카카오 유튜브

2020 Changwon


Artists & Artworks

Bouquet Final 3

SIZE6 x 6 x 5.05m


Michel BLAZY
Monaco, 1966~
Bouquet Final 3

Located in the courtyard of the Seongsan Art Hall, this work looks like a gigantic bouquet, as its title suggests. Look closer, and you will see garbage bins stacked up in three tiers. This is an example of “objet trouvé,” or found objects, which refer to everyday objects that are found by an artist and transformed into works of art. Garbage bins have become art. As they continue to spew out sheets of foam, the entire installation turns into a huge bouquet of foam flowers. In a dramatic shift away from traditional forms of sculpture made of rigid materials, this work uses flexible and soft materials to express the concept of unexpected creation and extinction. It is kinetic art, meaning art in motion, and well reflects the theme of non-sculpture in this year’s Biennale.

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