인스타그램 페이스북 카카오 유튜브

2020 Changwon


Artists & Artworks

EIN STEIN_Thinking about Thinking

SIZEVariable size

MATERIALMotor, Magnet, Steel wire, Pigment print, Styrofoam

Jungmin RYU
Korea, 1979~
EIN STEIN_Thinking about Thinking

RYU is presenting multiple “fake” rocks that “look real.” The key elements of this work that would help you understand and appreciate it more are “photography,” “movement,” and “thoughts.” Let me elaborate. Firstly, Photography: RYU made the body of the rock with polystyrene and then covered it with the photos of real rocks, which make this work a “3-dimensional photo collage.” Secondly, Movement: this is a kinetic art because these fake rocks have motors and magnets inside which make them move in the air due to the tension with steel plates. Thirdly, Thoughts: the title of the work EIN STEIN comes from the famous scientist’s name Einstein. By putting a space in between, now this means “one stone.” The work features multiple rocks but the overall concept focuses on “one stone.” By making a variation with the rocks, the artist practices the metaphor and philosophical thoughts on Reality and Illusion as well as on human society composed of the conflicts and reconciliation among people. This is a non-sculpture that hides the fundamental concept of rocks in multiple works.

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