인스타그램 페이스북 카카오 유튜브

2020 Changwon


Artists & Artworks

Nature Series-Wood

SIZEDiameter 30 × 300cm


Hong-Bo LI
China, 1974~
Nature Series-Wood

This is wood. But look closely at the part where the sculpture sits on a stand, and you will find that the material has been stretched. Ah! It’s wood made of paper. Multiple pieces of paper have been glued together to create this work, which changes its form like a paper accordion when pulled, stretched, and twisted. It’s not just the form that changes, the hard texture also turns into something flexible. LI has surprised visitors before by making replicas of Greek statues this way. This is a non-sculpture made of flexible material that changes its inherent shape. “The work discards its hard form for a gentler scene in this way. These changes reflect that the sentient world is changeable and impermanent,” says the artist. Everything changes. This work also allows us to revisit the meaning of nature in its original state. The rigid and solid wood was once a tree with its roots firmly tucked underground, adding annual rings and growing up and sideways.

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