인스타그램 페이스북 카카오 유튜브

2020 Changwon


Artists & Artworks

Self-portrait_ oblivion and liberty

SIZE175 x 75 x 96cm, 30kg

MATERIALPlywood, Wood, Modeling Paste, Cotton Gloves

Gil-Hu KIM
Korea, 1961~
Self-portrait_ oblivion and liberty

This work showcases an &#101xpressionistic form. Spontaneity was the only rule in the creation of this work and it is filled with &#101xpressionistic language charged with emotions. This is a deconstructivist sculpture composed of various objects and scrap wood pieces that are put together as if making a painting. KIM’s work is a post-modern non-sculpture, not a modern sculpture that involves elaborate structures. This was a way of and process for KIM to find freedom in spontaneity, the truth in confusion, and ultimately the right path for an artist.

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