인스타그램 페이스북 카카오 유튜브

2020 Changwon


Artists & Artworks

Yeojwa Headquarters

SIZE400 x 400 x 300 cm, 150kg

MATERIALWood, Brick, Concreate, Light, Steel pipe, Glass

Kyoung-Jae CHO
Korea, 1979~
Yeojwa Headquarters

The “Photography Sculpture” transfers photography limited only to the two-dimensional plane into a three-dimensional sculpture, which makes this a convergence art that shares the unique aesthetics of each genre. CHO successfully invites into his work the sculptural installation languages specific to space recognition along with the aesthetics of photography, which is a powerful medium that captures time and recollects memory. Being born and raised in Jinahe, CHO brings back his home from childhood “here and now”, but at the same time, into a new form through his artistic interpretation based on representation of reality and his own memory.

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