인스타그램 페이스북 카카오 유튜브

2020 Changwon


Artists & Artworks

Point and Line

SIZE60 x 49 x 60cm/50 x 44 x 52cm/55 x 37 x 34cm


Young-Ho HAN
Korea, 1956~
Point and Line

It is not easy to make a shape out of stone. Imagine how daunting it would be to create some thin intertwining ropes out of stone, because that means you need to keep on chiseling away ever so delicately to make holes and spaces in between. HAN focuses on reducing the sense of mass and weight natural to stone as material. He takes time to make soft and flexible forms out of a very hard and solid material. This is the reason why his work illustrates very well the concept of a non-sculpture, the theme of this year’s Biennale.

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