인스타그램 페이스북 카카오 유튜브

2020 Changwon


Artists & Artworks

Excrement of God

SIZE69 x 69cm(L), 80 x 59cm(R)

MATERIALManila hemp on canvas frame

Seung-Taek LEE
Korea, 1932~
Excrement of God

Two soft chunks of hemp are juxtaposed to each other, on top of two separate canvas frames. The canvas is the two-dimensional surface on which a painting is created, while the canvas frame supports the painting. The canvas frame is not an artwork itself, but rather a supplement that completes it. It is a material that is far from being a three-dimensional sculpture. But what if there is a relief made of soft and flexible material placed on top of it? A relief is a mode of sculpture that is slightly raised above the surface. This work is a combination of low relief and canvas frames, which merely support a painting. Physically, it can be defined as a sculpture, but in concept, it is something else that is neither a paining nor a sculpture. The reason it can be considered as non-sculpture is that the two canvas frames are juxtaposed to form what is known as a shaped canvas.

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