인스타그램 페이스북 카카오 유튜브

2020 Changwon


Artists & Artworks

Paper Tree

SIZEVariable size

MATERIALPaper, branches

Seung-Taek LEE
Korea, 1932~
Paper Tree

Narrow strips of traditional Korean paper are hanging from natural tree branches. The paper strips lightly flutter, responding to the movements of passersby and greeting them. Does this work remind you of a sacred tree decorated with strips of silk found next to Seonangdang? Seonangdang is a shrine to the guardian spirits of a village that protects the land and the village, but for ordinary villagers, it was simply one of the subjects to which they can flee from their everyday problems and pray for blessings to come. As seen from this piece, LEE is committed to carrying on and modernizing the legacy of traditional Korean aesthetics.

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