인스타그램 페이스북 카카오 유튜브

2020 Changwon


Artists & Artworks

Side Down, Non-Art

SIZE38 × 50cm

MATERIALPhoto printing

Seung-Taek LEE
Korea, 1932~
Side Down, Non-Art

“I looked at the world upside down. I thought sideup down. I lived downside up.” These are the words senior artist Seung-Taek LEE unveiled at his solo exhibition held a few years ago. He wrote the subject (“I”) and the object (“the world”) horizontally, while writing the remaining sentences vertically. Considering the way vertical text lines run right to left, we can see that the spelling of the adverbial phrase has been distorted from “upside down” to “sideup down” to “downside up.” LEE has now cemented his position as a central figure in the Korean art scene, but he still explores the experimental art of non-sculpture in a fringe, avant-garde manner.

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