인스타그램 페이스북 카카오 유튜브

2020 Changwon


Artists & Artworks

Hands of an Artist

SIZE156 x 103cm

MATERIALPhoto printing

Seung-Taek LEE
Korea, 1932~
Hands of an Artist

You’re looking at LEE’s self-portrait. In one of his series of photo collage, he used enlarged photographs of his face and hands. They say palm lines can tell volumes about how one’s past life has been and what the future may hold for them. In the East, man is viewed as a microcosm that mirrors the larger macrocosm. In other words, man is the universe and the universe is man. LEE intentionally distanced himself from the mainstream art scene to completely devote all his energy to non-sculptural experiments in his younger days. The intense image of the artist in his later years allows us to imagine what his life must have been like.

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