인스타그램 페이스북 카카오 유튜브

2020 Changwon


Artists & Artworks

An Epistemology of Phoenix

SIZEVariable size

MATERIAL3D printing, ABS

Kok Yoong LIM
Malaysia, 1980~
An Epistemology of Phoenix

LIM has been teaching as a university professor in Korea for the last few years and started his study with a particular interest in Korean culture. This work involves one of his experiments that analyze the role of the music in communicating the ideologies of King Sejong by illustrating the interplay of internal factors (needs and values) and external factors (intensity, color, size) that affect the perception. The sculpture encompasses 3D-printed objects to demonstrate that they are used as a vehicle for the exercise of a new form of power to materialize the internal abstraction. The outcome takes a shape that is quite unrecognizable because the artist used transcoding of ancient cultural data. His choice reflects his intention to display history in its pure abstract form. These images or forms of memories represent artist’s curiosity that challenges audience’s belief about their memory of King Sejong.

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