인스타그램 페이스북 카카오 유튜브

2020 Changwon


Artists & Artworks

Tagman / Floating Thoughts / Momentum


MATERIALmixed media

Shawn Park
Korea, 1979~
Tagman / Floating Thoughts / Momentum

At the Biennale, Shawn PARK will present Momentum, a sculpture in the shape of fingers, Tagman, a video piece on his Tagman performance, and Floating Thoughts, a pyramid-shaped participatory installation. Gigantic fingers hovering in the air, the hanging tags and chairs inside a pyramid-like structure… Are these art works? Yes, they are. Tagman is a convergence art piece that mixes old media, new media, and performance involving social interaction.
This work provides a chance to ponder deeply about the intent of the system that operates data in today’s world where everyone is generating enormous amount of data including their social network activities and producing their own images. Artist performed as the character Tagman to physically demonstrate the system that shares human images that are fragmented as data. He performed as Tagman in China, Japan, Taiwan, Seoul and, this time, at bustling streets of Changwon. The pyramid-shaped structure is installed in the middle of the room so that visitors can draw or write something on a tag and put it up on the pyramid. In the video, you can see the artist dressed as Tagman roaming the streets of Changwon, taking pictures with people he meets, and some people removing tags from him. Such actions and happenings are all recorded and become part of the Tagman series. And those people who took Tagman’s pictures or took out the tags from him upload those images on their SNS using hashtags and, ultimately, experience becoming part of an algorithm and data.

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