인스타그램 페이스북 카카오 유튜브

2020 Changwon


Artists & Artworks



MATERIALAnimated vid, Continuous loop

Gwang-Soo PARK
Korea, 1984~

This flip animation titled 60 Pages repeatedly shows flipping of the four sets of 60 drawings. The work begins with a drawing in a small notebook of a patient sleeping in a hospital bed. On top of this drawing, the second page of the notebook is laid over, and then the artist hand-copies the original drawing underneath. And then he puts the third page on top of the second page and copies to do the same. After repeating this process 60 times, the artist connects the 60 drawings that he made. Total 240 drawings that look seemingly the same are flipped sequentially. Due to the inaccuracy of the copying of a hand, each drawing is slightly different, which creates a vibration from the beginning till the end exposing those subtle differences. The artist also wishes that the patient who looks as if he stopped breathing because of his shallow breath would look like he is taking a big breath when all the drawings are connected.

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